People-Powered Transformation


People-Powered Transformation

In just a few days, I'll be heading to Keystone for the annual Colorado Health Symposium, an event I look forward to each year. It's a time where I can reconnect with many of you, gain invaluable knowledge and find inspiration. 

As I prepare for the trip to Keystone, I've been reviewing responses to our 2023 Pulse Poll to better understand what's on Coloradans' minds. One statistic particularly caught my attention: 82% of respondents expressed that the cost of housing is an extremely serious or very serious problem. Housing stability is crucial for good health, yet it remains a significant concern for many Coloradans. Moreover, previous Pulse Poll responses have shown that Coloradans of color are disproportionately affected by rising housing costs, with too many fearing the loss of their homes.

This statistic underscores why we are coming together at this year’s Symposium. At The Colorado Health Foundation, we envision a future where worries like these are eliminated and everyone has what they need to live healthy lives. We recognize that we don't have all the answers to get us there. We know that you, community members from across the state, have the solutions necessary to bring Colorado closer to our vision. 

That is why throughout this year we have focused on people-power. Starting with our At the Heart of the Matter virtual event series, we have explored the ways that you can tenaciously use your power to bring solutions to the table and dismantle systems that maintain inequity, while building a more equitable future. We will continue these conversations at the 2023 Colorado Health Symposium: People-Powered Transformation.

Why People-Powered Transformation?

Power is the ability for individuals and groups to achieve their goals, meet their needs, and change their situations for the better. Each of us has power within us. When we come together and work towards a common goal, we can overcome obstacles and barriers to health. By organizing our communities and speaking up for what we need, we can make a real difference and create positive changes that help us all.

At this year’s Symposium you will hear from folks who have been fighting the good fight. Whether you are joining us in-person or virtually, our hope is that you will be inspired to recognize your power and begin to tap into it to benefit your communities. 

I am so looking forward to our time in Keystone! If you have not already registered, there is still time to register to join us virtually via the Symposium’s livestream

Together, let's unlock the power within us all and pave the way for a brighter future in good health!


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